About Most Valuable Dog Training™
Hello. My name is Matthew Davey and I am the founder/trainer of Most Valuable Dog Training™. After twenty plus successful years in sales, I decided it was time to do something I love and feel fulfilled by at the end of the day.
From a very young age I’ve had one or two dogs in my household and it was my responsibility to train, walk, feed and care for them. When I was sixteen, Jasmine, my Golden Retriever at the time, had a litter of nine, which increased my responsibilities exponentially. After educating myself by seeking veterinarian advice, watching a number of whelping videos and speaking to many breeders, I felt prepared to take on this challenge. The enjoyment those nine puppies gave me was so indescribable that I just had to keep one for myself.
Four years ago I rescued Gus, a Staffordshire Lab mix and as the bumper stickers say, my dog (Gus) rescued me. On our long walks, swimming sessions or hikes in the woods people would be so taken by Gus’s demeanor they would ask me to help train their dog. The successful results of training my family and friends’ dogs along with their encouragement motivated me to start my own business. I am currently at the end of my certification studies and associated internship at Animal Behavior College. I plan to continue acquiring accreditation in varying training styles. Taking pride in staying current on the most up to date methods is fundamental to Most Valuable Dog Training™.